Third call for proposals: Short Term Travel Fellowships

SUBMISSION DEADLINE was Monday, November 4th 2013. This call is now closed.
The EURATRANS Consortium supports the exchange of early-stage researchers between the partner laboratories and their international collaborators by implementing a scheme of Short Term Travel Fellowships.
(1) Eligibility
Researchers from EURATRANS partners for the exchange between two EURATRANS laboratories or researchers from international collaborators visiting EURATRANS laboratories or researchers from EURATRANS laboratories visiting international collaborators. Preference is given to early stage researchers (PhD students and researchers with less than 6 years of post-doctoral experience). Up to two researchers from each individual lab can apply at the same time.
(2) Project
A training activity relevant to EURATRANS.
(3) Time/Duration
Up to 30 days, completed prior to the end of the project runtime (30 September 2014).
(4) Submission Deadline
Applications have to be submitted by Monday, November 4th 2013, electronically by email to: You will receive a confirmation email after submission. If you have not received this, please contact the webmaster.
(5) Requirements
Written report within 2 months after the end of the fellowship. Maximum 2 pages with (a) short description of the research background, reasoning and activities, (b) description of the training activities, (c) relevance and impact on the personal development and (d) relevance and impact on EURATRANS.
(6) Publication of the call
The call will be sent by email to all EURATRANS coworkers. A flyer can be posted on message boards of EURATRANS partner labs. All details will also be available on the EURATRANS Website. EURATRANS researchers are encouraged to send the information to their international collaborators as well.
(7) Application
A written application of maximum 2 pages (plus title page) with the description of (A) the research training activity, (B) the impact and relevance of the training for the fellow – to be completed together with the host institution - and (C) impact and relevance of the research training activity to EURATRANS. The fellow's short CV (D) and a budget estimation (travel, accommodation and subsistence; cover page) are to be included as well. A template is available below.
(8) Review
The applications will be reviewed by the EURATRANS Training Panel Members.
The process should not take more than 4 weeks after the application deadline. Each section is marked 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), average scores are used for the ranking. A short evaluation summary report from the reviewers will be sent to each applicant.
(9) Approval of involved Principal Investigators
The approval of involved PIs in form of a signed (formless) declaration will be requested AFTER a favourable review and before the fellowship is formally awarded. The PI from the home institution needs to allow up to one month absence, the PI from the host institution needs to confirm that he/she will provide working space and material, access to equipment/infrastructure and supervision.
(10) Budget
The maximum budget for all fellowships in this call is 10.000 EURO.
The fellowship needs to cover (a) economy return travel from the Fellow's laboratory to the host laboratory, (b) accommodation and (c) subsistence during the time of the stay. Accommodation and subsistence shall not exceed 2000 EURO multiplied by the country coefficient of the host institution as used by the FP7 People programme (see annex I). Costs will be refunded based on original receipts by either the home institution (if a project beneficiary), the host institution or the coordinator institution. The maximum EC contribution of this beneficiary will be increased accordingly (based on copies of the receipts/claim). Laboratory consumables and equipment will not be covered by the Fellowship.
Call for Proposals: EURATRANS_Fellowships_3rdCall.pdf
Application template: EURATRANS_Fellowships_template_2012-05-11.doc
Flyer (post on your backboard!): EURATRANS_Fellowships_3rdCall_2013-10-08_flyer.pdf