European large-scale functional genomics in the rat for translational research

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WP 1.3 Epigenomics

Task 1.3-1 Setting up ChIP protocols for cell lines and selected tissues.
Task 1.3-2 Characterization of antibodies against rat nuclear factors.
Task 1.3-3 Biological confirmation of the association of specific sequences with ChIPed proteins.
Task 1.3-4 Generation of chromatin and DNA methylation state maps:
Task 1.3-5 Identification of allele-specific chromatin marks.
Task 1.3-6 Knowledge extraction of the binding maps.


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jaune EURATRANS is co-funded by the European Community‘s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement N° HEALTH-F4-2010-241504. FP7-coo-RGB
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